
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Crazy love for change.

Sometimes I think I am crazy.  Am I too enthusiastic, too keen; too eager to explore, too curious?  Do I ask too many questions? Seek too many answers? Am I crazy for embracing change and discovering the new and unexplored? Or re discovering something lost or forgotten? 

Sometimes I think I am crazy.  Am I spending too much time following interesting blogs, viewing amazing images from instagram friends around the world who willingly share another path?  For trialling, refining and reflecting? For having a go? Am I crazy for genuinely loving learning. Loving continuing to learn?  Am I crazy for dwelling upon things that have been or could be? For sparking an interest or concern in anothers work or thoughts? For connecting and interacting with others around the globe?  Is it crazy to cherish these interactions which enrich my learning and passions? 

Sometimes I think I am crazy. For thinking change is actually grand; exciting, mysterious, challenging. For hoping for “better” and “beyond”. For not caring if I get it wrong or fail. For the pure wanting to improve and develop. Sometimes I think this thinking is crazy. Thinking about thinking….

Sometimes I think I am crazy. For being so excitable. For wanting to excel. To believe in people. To love what they do. What they can share. What they can bring.  To let go of old ideas and come up with new ones. For ignoring barriers and seeing the sky. For believing in belief.  For wanting the best for others... and myself. For the want of action. To show. To celebrate. To be valued.

Sometimes I think I am crazy. For itching to just start. To help others. To NOT resist change and have this crazy love for change. This crazy love for learning. This crazy love for wanting to help others. To help develop resilience skills and a positive mindset. This crazy love for wanting time to just be and reflect and not be so rushed or stretched. This crazy need to want to do better. To be better. Yet still, this crazy love of change; just there, nudging and pulling. Leading me to satisfy the want of what it is to educate. To help. To support. To inspire. To provide an environment for others to extend their own learning, skills and knowledge. To perhaps one day, open their eyes to see this crazy love for change.


  1. Yeah you are crazy and that is what matters. UNcle Jack said it best,“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”

  2. This craziness is what makes you such an interesting person! Lov'ya!

  3. Just don't go and change all those 'crazy' things that make you who you are. Just spread it round some more!

  4. If what you are is crazy, your words not mine, then crazy is what the education world needs. Your passsion for newness and change is inspiring, refreshing and vital. Keep it up.

  5. The craziest people are the coolest and most thought provoking educationalists who reflects on their practice and seeks to provide the very best possible outcomes for their students. Keep being crazy!!!

  6. Without crazy people willing to embrace change and continue to push the boundaries of learning society would still be in the dark ages. Crazy is not a trait I would have said about you, however, when placed in this context crazy can passionate, commited, excited, courageous,collaborative, warm, friendly, reflective, caring, interested, resilient and above all else willing to take the risk to push the envelope to achieve more than you could possibly realise. These are the qualities we need in many more teachers in our schools. This is obviously a very personal reflection and I really relate to this post also. If crazy means all of these things then commit me know. Thanks for a great reflection jeanette.

  7. Your kind of crazy is perfectly fine by me! I love your enthusiasm, zest for life and the "have a go" mentality! It rocks my world that I have become a friend of yours though twitter & my work with Kindalin! Love it! Denyse

  8. You are not crazy. When I read this blog I hear PASSION, COMMITMENT and OPTIMISM for LEARNING. I trust you would be infectious for those who share your learning journey.

  9. Thanks all for commenting. I do enjoy reading others reflections. I like to think crazy is defined as one's enthusiasm or excitement, rather than insane or mad. Jabiz, the imagery in that quote is incredibly rich. Thanks for stopping by. You too, Margo and Steve. Much appreciated. Many of my most memorable students are those that have "soul", are interesting, unique and are not well behaved (as stipulated by traditional schooling) at all times :) I love the students with spark and personality bursting into the learning space. Henrietta, John, Simon, Denise and Greg, I do hope my enthusiasm and passion for learning resonates with my students. Passionate is a phrase tossed around almost too much now, but it is a term that defines a yearning and deep interest towards something you are drawn too. Something you find yourself doing more and more of. Something that brings you joy. Upon reflection, I think my passions overlap between my work and leisure. I truly enjoy people, progression, technology, design and psychology. "Having a go" probably stems from my earlier theatre/acting work. Improvisation skills can be useful across many areas of life, not just on stage. Making a start by "just starting" and ensuring the success of an improvisation through listening, interacting and "making the available space and piece work" is an entertainment skill worth developing. And one that can easily translate to education as well! I'm happy with crazy. There is never a dull moment. Life is full. IN 2013, I do hope to have a crazy year...but perhaps in a slightly slower fashion (if that is at all possible!)
